It's safe to say that I haven't sewn much for myself, obviously that is in comparison to previous months :) I thought about sewing one dress every weekend till my birthday next month but only managed one so far. I seem to be drawn to blues & green tones this year. It is an easy to wear dress. I used the bodice of the Betty Dress (from Sew Over It) but this time with a gathered skirt and of course pockets.
As I am in the process to sell some handmade dresses on the markets here in Dubai, I have sewn my sample dresses for the photoshoot - coming to you beginning of July but a sneak peek below :) These are just 2 out of 6 fabrics. For these samples, I have also sewn a couple of dresses to fit the girls. These were all old fabrics, I had never used and finally found a nice way to sew them up. And the girls love them which makes me super happy. When I mentioned pockets above, I wanted to share that the girls love their pockets in their dresses. Seeing the excitement on their faces, convinces me that I made the right decision.
I made another wrap dress. It is the same pattern as last month but different fabric. I only bought two metres (about a year ago or longer) and didn't remember what project I had in mind for it so I chose this lovely wrap dress from Allie Olson. It was a pattern-tetris squeezing it out of 2m. I did shorten the pattern pieces by 2''. If you would like a full pattern review, comment below. This dress is part of the amazing #sewtogetherforsummer challenge on Instagram. Use the hashtag to see some amazing creations from all over the world.
I also started another Carrie Trouser from Sew Over It. It is the first time I am using crepe (same fabric print as the shirtdress). Although the fabric is super soft, I am not sure if it nice to wear here in the heat in Dubai. I also have some fitting issues on my calf which is strange since I have made the pattern before in different fabrics and it fit fine.
Crepe is a silk, wool, or synthetic fiber fabric with a distinctively crisp, crimped appearance. (My one is synthetic, if it would be silk or wool, it might be more breathable).
I made another tote bag for my other half - in a more 'manly' colour without stripes or dots :D So we can continue and try not bringing home any plastic bags. You can learn how to sew your own tote bag in my Taster Session.
For my kids & teens workshop, which I am planning for July, I made a sample for an apron as well as the 'Sewing Machine Driving Test'. It is basically a piece of fabric with a couple of straight and curved lines and a spiral square. That way my young students can practice before we start with our projects.
Oh, and I made another sample for the kids dress I am offering in my Dressmaking 2 class.
I prepared you a little look book to flick through my handmade garments for June.
What have you been sewing this month?
Thanks for hanging out with me.